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حمل تطبيق : Learn Python Programming [PRO] - Python Tutorials v1.4.1 (Paid) Apk : مجانا

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اصدار جديد من تطبيق : Learn Python Programming [PRO] - Python Tutorials v1.4.1 (Paid) Apk لـ Android - تنزيل. تم نشر هذا التطبيق على سوق Google Play وجعلها متاحة في كل مكان، حمل التطبيق apk مجانا .

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حمل التطبيق مجانا


اصدار جديد من تطبيق : Learn Python Programming [PRO] - Python Tutorials v1.4.1 (Paid) Apk لـ Android - تنزيل :

Learn Python + Django Framework + Flask  Framework + Machine Learning + Artificial Intelligence + Deep Learning + Blockchain + Pycharm and more completely Offline and without Ads. This is an in-depth guide to the most popular and most in-demand programming language Python. Topics Learn Python 3 Python 3 Introduction What is New in Python 3 Python 3 Overview Python 3 Environment Setup Learn Python 3 Basic Syntax Learn Python Variable Types Learn Python Basic Operators Learn Python Decision Making Python 3 Loops Python 3 Numbers Learn Python Strings Python Lists Python 3 Tuples Python Dictionary Python Date & Time Learn Python Functions Python 3 Modules Python Files I/O Python 3 Exceptions Python 3 Advanced Tutorials Learn Python 3 Classes/Objects Learn Python 3 Reg Expressions Learn Python 3 CGI Programming Learn Python 3 Database Access Python 3 Networking Python 3 Sending Email Learn Python 3 Multithreading Learn Python 3 XML Processing Python 3 GUI Programming Further Python 3 Extensions and Libraries Learn Python Django Django 2.0 Development Overview Django Environment Setup Creating our first Project Apps Life Cycle Learn Django Admin Interface Creating Views Learn Django URL Mapping Learn Django Template System Django Models Learn Django Page Redirection Django Sending E-mails Learn Django Generic Views Learn Django Form Processing Learn Django File Uploading Apache Setup Cookies Handling Django Sessions Learn Django Caching Learn Django Comments Django RSS Learn Django AJAX Learn Python Flask Flask Programming Overview Flask Environment Flask Application Learn Flask Routing Variable Rules Learn Flask URL Building Learn Flask HTTP Methods Learn Flask Templates Learn Flask Static Files Request Object Learn Flask Cookies Flask Sessions Learn Flask Redirect & Errors Message Flashing Learn Flask File Uploading Learn Flask Extensions Flask Mail Flask WTF Learn Flask SQLite Learn Flask SQLAlchemy Learn Python Machine Learning Machine Learning (ML) is basically that field of computer science with the help of which computer systems can provide sense to data in much the same way as human beings do. In simple words ML is a type of artificial intelligence that extract patterns out of raw data by using an algorithm or method. Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence is the intelligence demonstrated by machines in contrast to the intelligence displayed by humans. This Python Artificial Intelligence tutorial covers the basic concepts of various fields of artificial intelligence like Artificial Neural Networks Natural Language Processing Machine Learning Deep Learning Genetic algorithms and more. Learn Python Deep Learning Python is a general-purpose high-level programming language that is widely used in data science and for producing deep learning algorithms. This Python Deep Learning tutorial introduces Python and its libraries like Numpy Scipy Pandas Matplotlib; frameworks like Theano TensorFlow Keras. Learn Python Blockchain Blockchain is the current buzz that is dominating the software development trends. The development and designing of Blockchain involve three major components: client miner and blockchain. This Python Blockchain tutorial is aimed to give you a crisp understanding of the process of building your own blockchain. Learn Python CherryPy CherryPy allows developers to build web applications in much the same way they would build any other object-oriented Python program. This results in smaller source code developed in less time. It is being used in many production websites..download apk android for windows .

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