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حمل مجانا : DashLinQ Car Driving Mode App v4.1.0.19 [Premium] Apk

 DashLinQ Car Driving Mode App v4.1.0.19 [Premium] Apk logo

اصدار جديد من تطبيق : DashLinQ Car Driving Mode App v4.1.0.19 [Premium] Apk لـ Android - تنزيل. تم نشر هذا التطبيق على سوق Google Play وجعلها متاحة في كل مكان، حمل التطبيق apk مجانا .

المطور : مجهول النوع : apk .
 يتوافق هذا البرنامج مع جميع أجهزة .

حمل التطبيق مجانا


اصدار جديد من تطبيق : DashLinQ Car Driving Mode App v4.1.0.19 [Premium] Apk لـ Android - تنزيل :

DashLinQ is a car friendly drive mode launcher that makes it easy and safe to use your Smartphone.  DashLinQ offers safe way to use Smartphone in the car mode with voice control, large, simple icons with bright colors, and intuitive user interface.  DashLinQ drive mode can be activated via Bluetooth or GROM Link automatically. Pressing Home button will return back to DashLinQ (option in Settings). DashLinQ drive mode app offers unique media plugins to integrate Local Music (stored on the phone), Google Music (purchased or uploaded via Music Manager), Web Radio (similar to TuneIn, iHeartRadio etc) and Spotify (streaming requires Premium account) to make music listening easy. You can see what is playing and control directly from DashLinQ.  Navigation app or calling shortcuts can be made available at single click via large icon directly on screen. 22 shortcut slots are available. See local weather, large Clock and easy to use Sticky button..download apk android for windows .

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