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Prey Day: Survival – Craft & Zombie v1.28 Mod Apk

 Prey Day: Survival – Craft & Zombie v1.28 Mod Apk logo

اصدار جديد من تطبيق : Prey Day: Survival – Craft & Zombie v1.28 Mod Apk لـ Android - تنزيل. تم نشر هذا التطبيق على سوق Google Play وجعلها متاحة في كل مكان، حمل التطبيق apk مجانا .

المطور : مجهول النوع : apk .
 يتوافق هذا البرنامج مع جميع أجهزة .

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اصدار جديد من تطبيق : Prey Day: Survival – Craft & Zombie v1.28 Mod Apk لـ Android - تنزيل :

MOD:  – ZOMBIES DO NOT ATTACK (NEW) MAPS NOT PVP  – NO HEADQUARTERS  – NOT HUNGRY  – RUN MORE AT HOME  – LEVEL 99  – ALL LIBERATED ON MAP  – SYNC ON (SAVE)  – NEW THINGS ADDED (WALLS, NEW FLOOR ETC  – PROGRAMMER MODE ON  – AUTO BAN REMOVED Install Steps:  1. Install original game play for 30 secs 2. Exit game go to file explorer  3. GO Android OBB and change zombie.survival.onilne.craft to zombie.survival.onilne.craftxxx adding xxx on the end  4. Go to Android Data folder and make back up of your progress located in zombie.survival.onilne.craft  5. Uninstall original game  6. Install mod downloaded  7. Go to Android OBB folder and rename zombie.survival.onilne.craftxxx to. zombie.survival.onilne.craft  8. Go to Android Data folder and replace zombie.survival.onilne.craft with the one you backed up now start the game and if you did everything correct game will start normal with Mod. Prey Day: Survival – Craft & Zombie v1.28 Mod Apk is a new multiplayer zombie survival game MMO RPG with cooperative gameplay, a perfect marriage of a shooter and a strategy where all survivors pursue the same goal: to survive in a world full of zombies and mutants. Explore, grind, kill zombie in the city.  A virus outbreak has turned the city into a dead, post-apocalyptic zone where hordes of zombies, mutants and the dead roam free.download apk android for windows .

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